Saturday, June 27, 2009

by Katherine Woodward Thomas

One of the most powerful manifesting concepts is living from the future, backwards.

A lot of us are living from the past, forward; dragging around our history, or sense of self, our sense of what's possible for our lives from what has happened to us in the past, even from what happened to our mothers, grandmothers, our lineage.

1) What we really want to do is to connect with our deeper future desires. Ask yourself what you really want to create in your life. Ask as though the universe just opened up and is miraculously saying to you, "Ask for anything you desire. Anything you want, we'll give you." Just sit with that and open yourself up to all the possibilities that are present.

2)Then set an intention to create that which you truly desire. It may be unprecedented, and probably like nothing you've ever experienced before!

3)What you want to start to do is to meditate and to visualise that future fulfilled as though it were already so. The first thing you'll notice is that this vision will confront who you know yourself to be. You won't recognize yourself inside of that future, because is unlike anything you've experienced before. It will feel uncomfortable, it will feel awkward, it will feel hard to receive, but you want to stay with it. Don't give up on that process.

4)What would it be like, for example, to be with a partner who is powerful and strong, dynamic and loving, who is fiercely loyal and devoted to you, who cherishes and adores you, who wishes to serve you? What would it be like to have that, to feel secure in that, to know that you are loved beyond a shadow of a doubt for exactly who you are? Really anchor into what that feels like.

5)What's the sense of yourself? How do you walk differently? How do you look at people differently? How do you look at your life differently?

6) That's who you want to start to be in your day-to-day life. And you want to make choices that are consistent with that future fulfilled such as turning away from situations that seem to be repeats of your old patterns from the past. You want to say "No" to repeating the past and be willing to stand in the emptiness and be focused body, mind, and soul on the future that you want to create.

This will send a strong message to the universe that you are ready to live your dreams!

well go forth n walk into ur destiny this year 2009;this is not a rehearsal;it's living our dreams

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