Saturday, June 27, 2009

INFP - Introverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceiving

INFP (The Visionary)
INFPs have an imaginative and idealistic approach to life. They are caring and insightful, with an inner sensitivity and depth. They have a strong core of values and ideals, which may be humanitarian, artistic, social or spiritual, and are happiest when engaged in activities that tie in with them. This enables them to act with great conviction for causes they believe in, and also to fight back if their principles are violated.
INFPs are committed to both their own and other people's growth and development on many levels, especially the personal. They are curious about human nature and psychology, and have a great understanding of both their own and other people's feelings and motivations.

INFPs are warm, friendly and approachable, though others may need time to get to share their often complex thoughts, feelings and insights. Privacy is important to them, and they need to have periods of quiet reflection in order to 'recharge their batteries'.
INFPs are highly creative and have a flair for work that involves imagination and creativity, though their naturally reserve causes them to shun the limelight directly. To an extent their calm and reserved exterior masks both their sensitivity and their inner passions.

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