Sunday, July 5, 2009

katherine's nationally acclaimed, interactive program incorporates leading edge transformational technologies and processes to ensure you move past your stuck spots so you’re ready to welcome true love when it is presented.

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Week 1: Preparing for Love
• The top 3 things you absolutely must be doing in order to become magnetic to your soulmate
• Why preparing to receive love is more powerful than running out to try to find it
• How a "spiritual partnership" differs from a traditional marriage and the one key thing you can do to attract the powerful partnership your parents never had
• The most common mistake we make when visualizing love that actually keeps love at bay-and how not to make it
• The one shift you can make right away that will elevate the quality of potential partners you attract into your life almost immediately
• The difference between a "soul mate" and an "ego mate" and why your perfect partner may actually be different than anyone you've ever dated before
• How to weave an alluring, magnetic field that draws your perfect partner into your life without having to go out to search for love

Week 2: Completing the Past
• Why you absolutely must let go of past relationships and patterns in order to attract your best possible partner into your life
• Why not completing the past can ruin your chances for love in the present and exactly how you can do it
• Why "forgiving" an ex too quickly may be the worst thing you can do, and the trick to using the energy of your anger to forward your greatest growth before letting it go
• Discover the 7-step process that enables you to take back your power no matter what has happened to you in the past
• Find out the secret of how to evolve all of the relationships in your life to the levels of health and well-being you so deeply deserve and desire to have

Week 3: Transforming Core Beliefs
• Uncover barriers you didn't even know you had that have been stopping love from taking root in your life and learn how to release them now
• Take a quantum leap over years of "slow and steady progress" by learning the 5-step process to identify and liberate yourself once and for all from your most debilitating false beliefs
• How to show up as a grown-up rather than a child in your romantic relationships
• Reclaim your wholeness so that you go into relationship with authentic love to give rather than seeking to fill a void
• Learn how to avoid repeating the same destructive patterns over and over again by "graduating" yourself and others from past relational dynamics
• Discover the value of what you have to offer and begin experiencing your own true worth on an embodied level
• Learn the one simple practice that will change forever the way that others relate to you
• How you can powerfully release the life you've known for the life you are creating

Week 4: Awakening Your Co-Creative Power
• How to source your sense of self and navigate your life from the future you are committed to creating, as opposed to the present or the past, in order to magnetize your greatest possibility for love
• The 3 steps to creating a powerful intention that will instantly compel you to begin generating the future you are committed to causing
• How to partner with a field and a force of life greater than yourself to "call in" a great love
• How to know when you've met "The 'One" and why, without this knowledge, you could easily miss the greatest opportunity of your life
• How to begin tapping into your innate magical abilities to co-create the future you desire in all areas of your life
• Connect with your deeper desires in a way that makes you irresistibly magnetic to their fulfillment

Week 5: Loving Yourself First
• Why the commitment you desire from another must come from yourself to yourself first and foremost
• Discover the true meaning of self-care and what it actually means to "love yourself" before you can love another
• Reclaim your sensual self, learning to love, care for, respect and honor your body, just as it is, as the home you offer your beloved
• Learn the one shocking secret to sustaining great relationships that is the exact opposite of everything you were taught to do
• Discover why saying "no" and setting limits actually serves to create more love in a relationship, as well as increases your chances of securing a commitment
• Why receiving from another is really a gift you offer them, and why the relationship may not bond properly until you do
• How cultivating your "emotional literacy" will automatically increase intimacy and deepen connection with those you most care for

Week 6: Creating an Extraordinary Life as a Foundation for Extraordinary Love
• Go from hoping the Universe gives you love to mastering the art of how to generate it in your life
• Discover the secret that happy people know about how to create richer, more satisfying unions
• Learn the one simple technique that will help you to overcome your deepest fears forever
• Find out the biggest mistake couples make that is the number one destroyer of relationships and learn the one sole skill needed to avoid it
Learn the 3 keys to creating ecstatic intimacy with a beloved partner
• Discover the one critical practice that will feed you the power you need to cause your relationships to flourish and thrive in unprecedented ways

Week 7: Living Love Fulfilled
• Experience your power to begin causing synchronicity, magic and miracles to show up everywhere in your life
• Learn how to move through the obstacles, setbacks and delays to the fulfillment of love in ways that actually empower your growth and evolution rather than discourage it
• Discover the sweet secret of how to move from a "me" centered life to a "we" centered life
• Master the super-charged practice for becoming magnetic to all things good in life
• Unlock the mystery of how you can radiate and embody the love you seek, causing the flourishing of intimacy and connection everywhere you go, with everyone you meet

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