Wednesday, July 1, 2009

wild salmon omega 3, antacids

The Healthy Side of Omega-3s
Before the days of modern industry, your fish had abundant supplies of omega-3s. They dined on seaweed or algae and other fish below them in the food chain that ate these plants.

But these days, even some salmon has little to none of these essential fats. Farm-raised fish are fed corn, soy, those fish flakes that you feed the fish in your aquarium, and other unnatural foods. Since your body can’t make omega-3s on its own, it’s critical that you find ways to get a steady supply through the proper food sources and supplements. The benefits are practically endless when your body gets enough omega-3s. Many of my own patients have not only reversed disease but improved their mental and emotional lives as well.

Omega-3s have been shown to:
Prevent heart disease, cancer – even strokes
Lower blood pressure
Wipe out arthritis pain
Relieve depression
Lower triglycerides (blood fat)
Raise HDL (good cholesterol)
Boost memory and brain power
Lower your risk of macular degeneration
Protect blood vessels and nerves
Calm irregular heart rhythms, which can lead to sudden cardiac death

Find the Best Fish for Your Omega-3s
Don’t abandon fish altogether. They are still a great source of omega-3s.
I’ve put together a chart of the fish with the best ratios of omega-3s to omega-6s.

Omega-3 to Omega-6 Ratio of Wild-Caught and Farm-Raised Fish
Wild Sockeye Salmon

Wild Coho Salmon

Wild Trout

Wild Eel


Farmed Trout




Farmed Eel

Farmed Salmon

Black Bass

Farmed Catfish

Farmed Tilapia

Source: Journal of Diet Assoc (July 2008); American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1990)

As you can see, there are a number of fish varieties from which to choose that will give you the heart-healthy omega-3s you need.
Here are my general rules when shopping for fish:
Avoid Apex-Predator Fish. While tuna (albacore and bluefin) have good amounts of omega-3s, you should avoid them because they tend to contain high levels of toxins like mercury. Overall, stay away from top-of-the-food-chain fish like tuna, shark, swordfish, tilefish, and king mackerel because of their mercury levels.

Choose Smaller Fish. Try to stick to smaller fish that are lower down on the food chain. They don’t typically eat other fish and fewer toxins get stored in their flesh. Good choices are herring, salmon, sardines, anchovies, trout, halibut, and haddock.
Always Buy Wild-Caught Fish. Farm-raised fish are simply fed an unnatural diet and become diseased and inflamed. The potential health risks could cost your body in the long run.
Because farm-raised fish don't have lots of room to swim and are prone to disease, they are often given antibiotics as well as preservatives and commercial dyes to give them a healthy color.4
For example, farm-raised salmon is not the nice pink color that you would see with wild salmon, so it is injected with dye. At your supermarket you will often see “color-enhanced” in small print under the farm-raised salmon sign.
Wild salmon, on the other hand, get their pink color from eating little sea creatures like krill. I prefer wild-caught salmon from the Pacific Ocean. You can find good quality wild-caught fish at specialty markets such as Whole Foods or Fresh Market. I often order mine online from Grassland Beef ( or Alaskan Harvest Seafood ( It comes right to your door, fresh, packed in dry ice.
Make up for the Critical Nutrients You’re Missing
Since your body doesn’t make enough omega-3 fatty acids on its own, choosing species of fish that have the highest levels of omega-3s is one way to get your daily supply. But this is not always possible, so supplementing with a good quality fish oil that is purified of contaminants is a sensible way to make sure you get enough to reap the health benefits.There are two supplements I recommend.
Fish Oil. I recommend taking an 1100 mg fish oil supplement every day. I’ve developed a new fish oil capsule that comes from the pristine, non-industrial waters off the coast of Peru. It’s safe, pure and provides a huge, healthy dose of omega-3s.
Cod liver oil. Cod liver oil is another great source of omega-3s. One teaspoon a day will give you the omega-3s you need. And I’ve developed an oil without the awful taste.
1 Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center, “Wake Forest Researchers Say Popular Fish Contains Potentially Dangerous Fatty Acid Combination,” 7/8/20082 “Farmed Fish & Omegas,” Acres USA, September 20083 Barbara Minton. “Drug-Induced Fish: Hormone Causes Tilapia to Undergo Sex Change”. 4/6/094 “Wild vs. Farm or Ocean Raised Fish”, viewed 5/27/09

When is Acid a Good Thing?
Antacids Mask the Symptoms of Heartburn, But Leave You Vulnerable to Dangerous Diseases
I’ve seen patients who eat Tums like candy. They claim relief from heartburn. Plus, they think the calcium in Tums would help keep their bones strong. Unfortunately Tums are not a good source of calcium… and they’re not a good solution for chronic heartburn either. In fact, taking over-the-counter antacids does you more harm than good. These acid-blocking drugs can be harmful to your digestive system and your overall health.When you take antacids on a regular basis, you create a low-acid environment in your stomach. Sure, it temporarily relieves your heartburn. But it opens the door to a whole host of problems.

Antacids Starve Your Body of Its Nutrients
Your stomach needs acid. And when you eat Tums like candy, you drive your acid to dangerously low levels. Your body uses this acid to break down the food you eat. And it protects you from harmful fungal and bacterial overgrowth. Taking antacids can cause a domino effect that puts your health at risk.Low stomach acid levels lead to a chronic condition known as hypochlorhydria. This happens when your body doesn’t have enough stomach acid to digest your food and extract the nutrients. Your stomach can’t break down your food properly. In turn, your body can’t absorb critical nutrients, vitamins and minerals. This includes essential-amino acids, B vitamins, and minerals like zinc. As you know, lack of good nutrition means trouble.One study of heartburn patients who took antacids like Prilosec and Prevacid for a year or more revealed a 44% greater risk of hip fractures.1 No wonder they market Tums with calcium!Hypochlorhydria sets the stage for many chronic conditions. Take a look:

risk Ulcers, Bad Breath, Cancer, and More… Just To Calm Your Heartburn
Bacterial/Fungal Overgrowth
Auto-Immune Disease
Gastric Carcinoma
Yeast Infections
Bad Breath
Rectal Itching
Parasitic Infections
Food Sensitivities
Nutritional Deficiencies
Duodenal Ulcers
Adrenal Fatigue

What’s more, without enough stomach acid, you have no protection against harmful bacteria… allowing them to thrive and colonize.In one study, researchers created a temporary low acid environment. Everybody experienced bacterial overgrowth in the proximal small intestine.2

Antacids Help This Killer Bacteria Breed in Your Gut
The bacterium known as H.Pylori poses the biggest threat to your health. It is a major cause of stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, and even gastric cancer (one of the most lethal malignancies).3H.Pylori thrives in a low acid environment. It sets up a home base in the lining of your stomach. Then it attacks with a volley of inflammatory cells, which boost harmful free radicals and block the function of certain types of immune cells. The end result is chronic inflammation. Ultimately, that can lead to the destruction of your stomach cells’ DNA, causing gastric cancer. As you might guess, taking acid-blocking drugs over a long period only increases the chances of becoming infected with H.Pylori. But there’s good news. Prevention is simple -- stay clear of heartburn meds.

Age-Proof Your Stomach
Drug companies would have you think heartburn is a direct result of your stomach producing too much acid, which is why they call their products antacid. That’s simply not the case. The truth is your digestive system becomes weaker with age. The result is your stomach naturally produces less hydrochloric acid. Japanese researchers found that 60% of Japanese men and women over 50 suffered from achlorhydria (low stomach acid).4 And a study published in the American Journal of Digestive Diseases shows that number jumps to 69% once you hit 80.5So what causes heartburn?It has to do with the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is a sphincter muscle that lets food pass from the esophagus into the stomach. Once the food passes, it closes. This blocks stomach acid from coming back up through the esophagus.The problem starts when the LES doesn’t shut tight. Even a slight opening is enough to let stomach acid, bile and food through. The acid burns the lining of your esophagus, causing that painful burning feeling.So, antacids cure the symptom, but not the cause.

Simple Changes Provide Big Relief
I always tell my patients that you don’t need antacids to cure heartburn. You can do it naturally without putting your health at risk.Avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol and citrus juices for starters. These can make your heartburn symptoms worse and contribute to LES malfunction. Choose mild foods and sauces over spicy ones. And stay clear of foods you know give you heartburn (usually it’s greasy and fried foods like pizza, French fries and cheeseburgers). Here’s another tip: Don’t lie down within three hours of eating a meal. Research shows this can aggravate heartburn symptoms.6Finally, maintain a healthy body weight. Excess abdominal fat places pressure on your stomach and LES. This makes it easier for stomach acid to back flow into your esophagus. A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine confirms this.7 Researchers found that increases in body weight make heartburn symptoms worse. So if you’re not already doing PACE, get started now. In addition to lifestyle changes, you can take control of heartburn with natural alternatives to antacids.

Cure Heartburn Naturally Now
Over 40 million American adults suffer from heartburn. And most have no idea that you can cure it without antacids.Here are six effective, all-natural alternatives:1. Ginger Root - Research shows ginger can strengthen the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Add one-half teaspoon of freshly grated gingerroot to a cup of hot water. Let the ginger steep for 10 minutes. Strain the ginger and drink. 2. Peppermint – You can take peppermint in capsule form. But for optimal effect, get fresh peppermint. Place a wad of peppermint leaves between your molars and chew for a minute before swallowing. The calming effect on your stomach is almost immediate. 3. D-Limonene –It’s an extract from orange peel that’s highly effective. In one study, 90% of the people reported complete relief of their heartburn symptoms in just two weeks. What’s more, the effect lasted for six months after they stopped taking it.8 Take 1000 mg every other day for 20 days. Then take a maintenance dose as needed. You can find D-limonene at your local health food store. 4. Zinc – Zinc has incredibly powerful gastro-protective effects. One study compared zinc to famotidine (the over-the-counter drug Pepcid). The result? Patients in the zinc group experienced identical symptom relief to those who took Pepcid.9 You can find zinc at any health food store or even your local grocery store. Aim for 96 mg of elemental zinc per day. 5. Betaine Hydrochloride and Pepsin – This may seem a little counterintuitive. But taking hydrochloric acid (HCL) and pepsin (a digestive enzyme) with every meal can eliminate heartburn symptoms. It also helps break down your food. This ensures you get all the vitamins, minerals and nutrients you need. In fact, thousands of heartburn patients have experienced relief as a result of taking an HCL and pepsin combination.10 I’ve found it to be the case for many of my patients as well. Take one 600 mg capsule before each meal. You can find betaine HCL combined with pepsin at your local vitamin shop.
6. Mastic Gum Extract w/ DGL – Mastic gum has been used for thousands of years to heal heartburn. Studies even suggest that mastic gum can kill H.Pylori.11 You can often find it combined with deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL) at your health food store. Traditional Chinese medicine has long used licorice for its ability to soothe and coat the stomach. Look for a formula that contains 1 gram of mastic gum extract and 760 mg of DGL.

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